The Mister of Mineral and Petroleum Resources, Gwede Mantashe
The Mister of Mineral and Petroleum Resources, Gwede Mantashe delivered rather positive news today on the South African mining industry.
Mantashe began his address by remembering mine workers who have lost their lives in mining disasters over the years. He further acknowledged significant mining disasters such as the Coalbrook, Kinross, and the Vaal Reefs mining disasters, which took 716 lives combined.
However, today’s statistics show a great improvement in our country’s mining industry. The South African mining industry recorded 42 mining fatalities in 2024, the lowest number of fatalities in the history of South African mining—an improvement of 24% from the previous years. That included 11 gold fatalities,19 platinum fatalities, 6 coal fatalities, and 6 fatalities in other mining sectors. Furthermore, a total of 1 841 occupational injuries were reported, an improvement of 16% from the previous year.
Mantashe commended the South African mining industry for its commitment to safeguarding the health and safety of every mineworker, and its efforts to attain the goal of zero harm. He also emphasised the importance of a safe workspace, “A safer workplace is a productive workplace,” he said.
He was pleased also to announce that there were no fatal accidents involving female mineworkers, he did however point out that the injury accidents affecting women remain high, with 185 injuries reported in 2024.
Mantashe said “The mining industry is making notable transformation improvements by including women in mining activities, we would like to emphasise that their health and safety is paramount. Women, including female mineworkers, must feel and be safe in society and in the workplace.”
Before closing off, Mantashe touched on the severity of illegal mining, saying that he strongly stands on illegal mining being nothing but a crime. He stressed that the illicit trade of precious minerals is estimated at 60 billion, taking away from the country’s economy. Therefore, they fully support and encourage ‘vala mgodi’ as a program of the police to put an end to illegal mining in our country.