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President Boko to Participate in the Mission 300 Africa Energy Summit

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Botswana President, Duma Boko(left) joins the Mission 300 Africa Energy Summit in Tanzania. (Photo credits: “X”/ BWPresidency)

The president of Botswana, Duma Gideon Boko, is to participate in the Mission 300 Africa Energy Summit at Dar es Salaam, Tanzania from the 27th -28th of January 2025.

The summit, hosted by the government of the United Republic of Tanzania together with the African Union, the African Development Bank and the World Bank Group will gather African Heads of State, private sector representatives, development partners, and civil society members to discuss strategies for accelerating energy access across Africa and ensuring electricity reaches 300 million people by 2030. This target was announced by African Development Bank and the World Bank Group in April 2024.

President Boko will be attending the summit with Botswana’s Minster of Minerals and Energy, Honourable Bogolo Kenewendo and other Senior Government Officials.

The Ministry of International Relations stated that this summit affords Botswana an opportunity to join a collective effort for affordable, sustainable energy that boosts livelihoods and economic growth in Africa. The Summit will likely end with the signing of the Dar es Salaam Declaration, urging African governments to support renewable energy, private investment, and energy sector reforms.

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