Picture Credits: Royalam_fc on Instagram
As previously reported that Royal Am football club have not paid their players december salaries that resulted to them not reporting for training .
South African Players Union (SAFPU) has now confirmed in a statement that players have been fully payed by Royal Am .
According to our close sources more chaos could be brewing at the club as on monday players were suppose to resume training but itwas canceled on the last minute via a whatsApp group that includes the team management, no valid reason was provided on why the Training was canceled
On Tuesday morning, players arrived for training at The Ranch, only to find the gates locked. Security personnel stated they were owed money by the club, raising serious questions about whether the team will be able to honor their Betway Premiership fixture against Orlando Pirates on January 23rd at Harry Gwala Stadium.
Attempts to reach the club’s General Manager, Richard Makhoba, were unsuccessful, as calls went directly to voicemail.