fikilembalula 20231210 0001

Fikile Mbalula welcomed more than 50 EFF members back to the ANC


Fikile Mbalula, the ANC Secretary-General, has welcomed more than 50 alleged expelled EFF members back into the party. This comes after the EFF sacked some of its public representatives for failing to arrange transportation for the party’s 10th anniversary rally

The ANC Secretary-General was at the Wedela Community Hall in Gauteng’s West Rand

“We are strengthened by the presence of these comrades and there are many others in the EFF, some have left who will be joining the ANC back. And we are telling them that we welcome you with open hands you will not be judged here in the ANC and we appreciate the fact that on their own voluntary they chose to come back home and they’ve got their reasons why they do so

Said Mbalula

Fikile Mbalula also said that ANC veterans like Mavuso Msimang are being ‘bribed’ to join the new political formation of businessman

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